‘Twas noontime on Christmas
when all through our house
not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse.
Joe propped up his ankle
And I snuggled up tight
I said to him, “How lovely
Our children are being so quiet.”
When down from below
There arose a loud pop
I tried to ignore it
But the screams would not stop.
Noah flew in my bedroom
And shouted with heart,
“Joey set off a fart bomb!
It smells like a FART!”
“WHAT!” shouted Joe,
and sprang up from our bed,
“They're outdoor only!”
he uselessly said.
The house became noxious,
And everyone yelled,
But there was nothing for it;
Everything smelled.
From below came more noise,
NOW what blew up?
Again Noah screamed.
We raced down the stairs
We grabbed paper towels
The work had begun
I scrubbed for hours.
Wipe up the fart,
It has chunks, did you know?
But still the smell lingered
What could we do?
Get all the diffusers!
We’ll need more than two!
Oils of citrus,
we poured on the floor,
But we just couldn’t stop it.
It only smelled more!
Out came the bleaches
And chemicals, too,
The men went upstairs,
But I still had work to do.
I sprayed every floorboard,
Some of them stained.
I sprayed the upholstery,
The tree…candy canes!
On my hands and my knees
I crawled on the ground
I had to sniff out where
The fart still could be found.
My house now smells like citrus
With a light trace of mint
But I cannot deny
A lingering scent.
People, when shopping,
Please do consider
The gifts that you buy,
Is something else better?
A house with three boys
Should not have fart bombs,
They make their own, thank you,
And…remember the moms!
We love our boys,
Every stink, every puke,
But once in awhile,
We need a rest, too!
Merry Christmas!